Survivors Bait and Tackle on SGI Has a New Look Under New Ownership
A trip to the Forgotten Coast means serenity, beauty, and relaxation. Practicing yoga is an excellent way to enhance your experience even more.
Mexico Beach & Port St Joe
Morning Flow at The Garden
This 60 minutes Morning Flow class is held every Tuesday at 9:00 am ET, at the beautiful Port St. Joe Garden Club, a national and historical site located at 216 Eighth Street in Port St. Joe Florida. Jump start your day and wake up your body! A gentle yet energizing morning class to prepare for the day ahead. Postures are designed to open and stabilize the body, distracting the mind while focusing on the breath before diving into a busy day. For all levels of yoga practitioners from beginner to advanced stages. Drop-ins $10. Mats and other props available on a first come first serve basis. Book your class here or pay on site. Class packages are also available: 5 classes for $40 or 10 classes for $80. Contact Coastal Lotus at 850- 731-1058 for more information
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 9:00 am CST / 10:00 am EST at Fit As A Fiddle Too Studio in Windmark Beach in Port St Joe, Florida. Take a moment in your busy life for “Self-Care” in order to restore your spirit, strengthen your muscles, connect with your breath, and free your mind. Class is a Hatha Yoga Mix with strengthening, relaxing movement, deep stretch, and breath work. Mats & blocks provided. Cost is $15 per person. Fit as a Fiddle Too Studio is located at 110 Goodmorning St, Port St Joe, Florida. Contact 706-580-4202 for more information.
Sunset Beach Yoga
Every Sunday at Sunset with Weather Permitting. Immerse yourself in a natural paradise as you enjoy our beautiful sunsets overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. While you unwind, restore, and energize with Gentle Yoga. Like other styles of yoga, gentle yoga relieves stress, increases flexibility, calms the mind, and strengthens the body. Suitable for most levels and mats are available for those who need them. The cost is $15 per person. However, all Military Personnel and First Responders may attend the class for free. Meets at the Gulf County Veterans Park, located at 8750 W Hwy 98, Port St Joe, Florida. Please text 706-580-4202 to confirm time.
Hatha Community Yoga Class
This class meets on Wednesday afternoons at Spirit of the River Yoga Studio & Store at 5:30 pm. There is no set cost, attendees are asked to make a donation instead. Meets at Battery Park City Community center in Apalachicola. I do carry extra equipment with me, so if you can give me a heads up you are attending I would be happy to make sure you have a mat/props. Please call or text me 850-653-6719.
Yoga Program at Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Episcopal Church is home to a variety of yoga and Tai Chi classes each week. Beginning Tai Chi meets Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am, followed by Tai Chi class at 9:00 am. Chair Yoga meets Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am, while Yin Yoga with Janice Olson meets on Thursday afternoons at 5:30 pm. Vinyasa Yoga meets on Friday at 10:00 am. Trinity Episcopal is located at 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, FL.
St. George Island
Beach Yoga
Enjoy the sound of the breaking waves and a gentle Gulf breeze as you practice gentle yoga on St. George Island’s beautiful sandy beaches. The focus is on deep breathing and stretching. Island Fit’s Beach Yoga is open to the public, no reservations needed. Beach Yoga is seasonal, with classes from March through September on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings at 9:00 am. The cost is $15 and you must bring your own beach towel. Beach Yoga meets at the Lighthouse Public Beach. Please check their Facebook page for current class status and cancellations.
Paddleboard Yoga
Do you love to paddlboard and also love to do yoga? Island Fit has the lesson for you! SUP Yoga begins with the paddleboard refresher followed by setting intentions and an on the water “flow”. Get in tune with nature and dive into inner reflection as you take the time to paddle and breath. Fun for all levels although the SUP basic lesson is a suggested prerequisite. By appointment only. Cost for SUP Yoga is $65. Contact Island Fit at 850-980-4204 or email them at