Forgotten Coast Fun Discover Old Florida Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:15:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Forgotten Coast Fun 32 32 169408001 43rd Annual SGI Charity Chili Cook-Off and Auction on March 1 Sat, 15 Feb 2025 17:41:00 +0000 Come on out for the 43rd Annual St George Island Charity Chili Cookoff on March 1, beginning at 9:00 am. In addition to the main chili cookoff, visitors to the island can also enjoy the cookoff’s sister event, the SGI Chili Crawl for great food, live music, games, and much more! Proceeds from the annual event go a long way toward funding the St. George Island Volunteer Fire Department each year. Don’t miss this Forgotten Coast favorite!

SGI chili cook off logo
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Don’t Forget Your Florida Fishing License Sat, 08 Feb 2025 00:20:00 +0000 Here in Florida a license is required for fishing in fresh water and salt water.

There are some exemptions for who needs a fresh or salt water fishing license. For example, Florida residents 65 or older and children under 16 years of age do not need a license. If you are fishing on your homestead or the homestead of a spouse or child, you don’t need a license. That’s also true if you are a minor child fishing on the homestead of your parent. In addition, Florida residents who are totally and permanently disabled do not need to obtain a fishing license. 

You can purchase a fishing license online at or by downloading the free Fish | Hunt FL mobile app in the App Store or Google Play. You can also by call toll-free 888-FISH-FLORIDA (888-347-4356) to purchase a license.

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The Sign Said, “No Dogs Allowed” Tue, 04 Feb 2025 19:40:00 +0000 If you are a fan of the Peanuts cartoon, you might remember Snoopy’s dismay at seeing the sign on a building that said, “No Dogs Allowed!” While most of the Forgotten Coast is very pet-friendly, there are some places where your pup is not allowed to go. Please take the time to read posted signs concerning pets. Also be sure to take bags to collect any waste your pet leaves behind.

For example, dogs are not allowed on the beach at the Eglin Air Force Base Annex on Cape San Blas. Please respect their rules. However, there are other areas of the beach where pets are allowed to go as long as they are on a leash.

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A Visit to the Forgotten Coast is a Great Way to Increase Vitamin D Levels Mon, 03 Feb 2025 12:15:00 +0000 Have you been feeling tired or lethargic lately? You may be low on Vitamin D. Since your body makes this essential vitamin when skin is exposed to the UVB rays of the sun, the Forgotten Coast provides an excellent place to boost your Vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for good health. Because it helps the human body use calcium from the diet, it is essential for strong bones. While it has many roles in the body, instructing the cells in the gut to absorb calcium and phosphorus is one of Vitamin D’s most essential functions.

Humans obtain vitamin D from sunlight and the food we eat. However, some people, including those with darker skin and those over the age of 65, are more at risk for being deficient in Vitamin D. While most people with a deficiency don’t experience symptoms, in extreme cases a lack of vitamin D can lead brittle, thin bones, in a condition called rickets. With rickets the bone tissue fails to properly mineralize, which results in soft bones, in addition to skeletal deformities. Research continues to reveal that Vitamin D plays a major role in protecting the body against a number of health problems.

If you live in northern latitudes, are homebound, or wear head coverings or long robes for religious purposes, you may need to add more vitamin D-rich foods to your diet or take a supplement like cod liver oil. Some foods rich in Vitamin D include salmon, swordfish, cod liver oil, canned tuna, beef liver, egg yolks, and sardines.

The Forgotten Coast of Florida is a great place to visit when you want to increase your Vitamin D levels. Hundreds of miles of beaches and trails, along with unforgettably quaint downtown areas and riverfront boardwalks provide perfect ways to spend time in the Florida sun.


Sunshine Vitamin


Midday is the best time for being in the sun to boost Vitamin D. Remember to limit time in the sun and be sure to use protection when you aren’t trying to boost your Vitamin D levels. You should also consult your doctor for medical advice before making major health-related changes.

Vitamin D is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” because when skin is exposed to the UVB rays of the sun, the body makes a chemical we call “Vitamin D” from cholesterol in the skin.


Serious Health Consequences Linked to Low Vitamin D Levels

  • Osteoporosis
  • Cancer
  • Depression
  • Muscle weakness
  • Death


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Don’t Miss the Stargazing When Visiting the Forgotten Coast Fri, 31 Jan 2025 23:45:00 +0000

St. George Island

As a barrier island with a limited population, St. George Island is perfect for stargazing. Dr. Julian G. Bruce St. George Island State Park is tucked away at the east end of the island, far from the lights of a major city. Visitors have the rare opportunity to gaze upon a truly dark sky, with the best views of the night sky in the region. In fact, staff are working toward achieving designation as a Dark Sky Park with the International Dark Sky Association.

All Florida State Parks close at sunset; however, they offer several ways to gain after-hours access to the park to enjoy the dark skies:

  1. Reserve a campsite in the family campground online or by calling Reserve America.
  2. If you are a Florida State Parks Family Annual Pass holder interested in gaining access to the preserve after sunset, please visit the office during the regular office hours and sign up for an after-hours permit, which would grant you access to the park’s common day use areas after hours.

Please note that the entrance is closed daily 15 minutes after sunset; only registered campers or after-hours pass holders are allowed entry after dark.


Stargazers have the chance to see stars, planets and other celestial bodies in incomprehensible numbers and unforgettable brilliance. Jupiter and Saturn are both clearly visible in the night sky. You might be able to witness the International Space Station making its orbit around Earth, or witness the wispy white and purple glow of the Milky Way rising over the white sand dunes.

Cape San Blas

Cape San Blas is also an excellent place to view the night sky when on the Forgotten Coast. You can see a map of the Cape San Blas night sky here to see which planets and objects are visible and where to locate them. 

The T.H. Stone Memorial St. Joseph Peninsula State Park on Cape San Blas sustained significant damage to the camping facilities during Hurricane Michael in 2018. The Category 5 winds carved a breach connecting the Gulf of Mexico to the Eagle Harbor. Though the road leading to the campground is gone now,  a land bridge forms sometimes now when the tide is low. You can apply for an overnight recreational pass if you wish to spend a few hours stargazing after sunset.

Milky Way on Cape San Blas by Patti Blake from Port St Joe Star

Alligator Point

The exquisite stargazing, along with unsurpassed tranquility, are considered some of the best reasons to visit Alligator Point, Florida. 

This pristine, rural beach community is located 45 minutes south of Tallahassee, and there are no crowds, no strip malls, and no movie theaters. In fact, it doesn’t even have a t-shirt shop. You will find miles of quiet beach, along with unparalleled opportunities for fishing, relaxing,and stargazing. 

Star Gazing in Alligator Point
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Survivors Bait and Tackle on SGI Has a New Look Under New Ownership Sun, 12 Jan 2025 21:59:06 +0000 Survivors Bait and Tackle on St. George Island opened up this spring under new ownership, and customers have been impressed with the changes so far. In addition to expanding its bait and tackle selection and adding camping accessories and beach gear, Survivors also rents golf carts.

Survivors Bait and Tackle is open 7 days a week, from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm. Located at 28 W Pine Avenue, St. George Island.

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Some Believe the Bible’s Garden of Eden was Located on the Apalachicola River Mon, 06 Jan 2025 17:31:06 +0000 Did you know that some people believe that the Bible’s Garden of Eden was located right here in Florida?

In the 1950s retired lawyer and Republican candidate for governor Elvy Edison Callaway opened his Garden of Eden Park along the highway in the Florida Panhandle town of Bristol. Callaway believed that God had created man in the delta of the Apalachicola river, which split into four rivers, just as the Bible describes four rivers leading out of Eden.

The area was also the habitat of a rare tree known as the “Torreya yew,” (Torreya taxifolia) an unusual evergreen which can grow up to sixty feet tall, and earned the nickname “stinking yew” for the strong smell of its fruit when crushed. Callaway believed the Torreya was the “gopher wood” that the Bible says Noah used to build his Ark.

In his roadside kiosk, he displayed a Torreya log which he said was a remnant of the Ark. Visitors could pay $1.10 for admission into a wild unspoiled land of dramatic cliffs, rivers, and wildlife, and all proceeds from his “non-profit shrine” were to go to a local Florida retirement home. 

Today Callaway’s kiosk is long gone, but you can still hike the “Garden of Eden Trail” in the nearby Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve, run by the Nature Conservancy. The hike is considered one of Florida’s most challenging hiking trails due to the ravines and rough terrain.

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Eastpoint Was Originally Founded by a Communal Religious Group Sun, 05 Jan 2025 16:00:57 +0000 Did you know that Eastpoint was founded by a communal religious group of families who dubbed themselves the Co-Workers Fraternity? These families traveled down the Chattahoochee River from Georgia 1898 in order to begin a new life together as a community. The families owned their own land, but the profits they made harvesting seafood, farming, and selling lumber were shared.

Strawberry Picking in Eastpoint, Florida in the Early 1900’s

In addition to creating a colony focused on economic production, the Co-Workers’ Fraternity was also concerned with spiritual, philosophical, and religious study.

Music Was an Important Part of Early Eastpoint Life

Photos of Eastpoint in the early 1900’s from the Brown Family Collection in the (State Archives of Florida)

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These Beaches Were Made for Walking… Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:19:15 +0000 While the beaches of the Forgotten Coast are breathtaking to view, they are also perfect for exploring on foot. The views are always changing as you are treated to a wide variety of birds, as well as dolphins, along with an occasional shark or ray.

Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Even though walking in sand is more difficult, beach strollers tend to walk for a longer time because of the beauty of their surroundings.

Take time to explore the quiet beauty of the Forgotten Coast’s beaches on foot. Not only are you doing something healthy for your body, but your spirit as well.

Walking Along the Beach

Health Benefits of Walking on the Beach:

  • The texture of the sand forces your muscles and tendons work over twice as hard as walking on a hard, flat surface
  • Has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation
  • Strengthens muscles and tendons in the legs and feet
  • Burns significantly more calories than walking on a flat surface
  • The sand exfoliates the dead skin from your feet as you walk
  • Your body will use the sunlight to produce Vitamin D
  • Strolling barefoot has many benefits, but for longer walks be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes to avoid potential shin splints and heel tendon pain.
  • Since so many of our beaches are pet-friendly, it’s a great way to get exercise with your pup.

Walking on sand can be quite beneficial for your health. However, as with any new physical activity, you want to start slowly and increase your distance walked over time. Even walking can lead to injury if you go for too long or try to go for too great a distance before your muscles are ready.

A Walk on the Beach

Forgotten Coast Fun Banner

Best Places to Walk on the Beach Along the Forgotten Coast

  • St. George Island
  • Cape San Blas
  • Mexico Beach
  • Dog Island
  • St. Joe Beach
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You’ll Find the World’s Smallest Police Station in Carrabelle Fri, 09 Aug 2024 15:30:53 +0000 Did you know that the world’s smallest police station is located on the Forgotten Coast, in the town of Carrabelle?

According to the Carrabelle Police Department’s website, the World’s Smallest Police Station came into being on March 10, 1963. The city had been having problems with tourists making unauthorized long distance phone calls on its police phone and with the policeman getting drenched when answering calls in the rain. So when the telephone company decided to replace its worn out phone booth in front of Burda’s Pharmacy with a new one, both problems were solved at once by putting the police phone in the old booth.

The old booth was moved to its current location, and while it did protect the officers from the elements, some people still snuck into it and made long distance calls. Eventually the dial was removed from the phone, making it impossible for tourists to make calls.

It has been featured on television shows “Real People”, “Ripley’s Believe It or Not”, “The Today Show”, “Johnny Carson”. Life has not always been easy for the St. Joseph Telephone and Telegraph Company phone booth since its retirement. Vandals have ripped phones out of the booth and shot holes through the glass. It has been knocked over by a pickup truck and another time by Hurricane Kate. A tourist once asked a gas station attendant to help him load it into his vehicle so he could take it back to Tennessee.

Original Phone Booth Police Station in Carrabelle, Florida

The original is now on display in the hallway of the current department between the World War II Museum, and the Police department.

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